Currently, the assortment of the factory has 11 different collections of mosaics from glass, natural marble, onyx and smalt.

And this is not the limit - we are continuously updating, complementing the existing collections and creating new ones, taking into account current trends in architecture and design. The latest production technologies allow us to meet any requirements of even the most demanding consumer.

On the basis of the factory was founded the largest mosaic studio Art & Natura, whose professional craftsmen are ready to create for you an exclusive piece of glass and stone mosaics.

We are ready to consider the possibility of manufacturing any product

  • mosaic mixes
  • stretch marks
  • matrix panel
  • art panel and much more

In addition, Art & Natura studio has designed and created a whole collection of handmade mirrors. With exceptional respect for your wishes, professionalism, many years of skill and endless love for the mosaic - the only way Art & Natura masterpieces are born.

You can order from us a panel, an ornament, a mix or a banner from all types of mosaics, be it natural stone, smalt, glass or ceramics.

Our mosaic panels decorate interiors and facades, making them stand out against other buildings. The pools and hamams, decorated in mosaic, are becoming sophisticated in ancient luxury.


Modern technologies and constant control over the production process allow us to produce material worthy of the most demanding consumer.


Both young and experienced designers are involved in the development of Art & Natura's new collections, so our mosaic is successfully used in projects of any direction: from classic to high-tech.

Environmental friendliness

We think about the environment, so in the production of mosaics we use only environmentally friendly materials and natural raw materials. Choosing a mosaic Art & Natura, you get an eco-friendly, high-quality material that has proven itself all over the world and meets the latest trends in style.

Оur team